Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Mis-Match made in Heaven

I couldn't wait till I had a chance to sit down and knit these cute little mis-matched mittens! I saw a similar concept in a french knitting magazine and I just had to make my own...Aren't they just so rock-n-roll?!

I got the idea from a pattern I saw in a french magazine. Because I suck and I don't read grid-form patterns really well...I ended up creating my own pattern and hopefully...they will fit the little hands they were destined for :)

And here is a picture of the "Hermione" hat I knitted on the train to's sadly a bit too big, but still fits and looks rather smashing if I may say so myself. It was my first experience knitting cables, and they turned out to be much simpler than I had originally believed them to be...(yay for simple things that look complex!).


Ola said...

I drool everytime I look at these :)

Unknown said...

Love the gloves and the hat is really rockin'. Love how you can just latch onto an idea and make it happen!

Unknown said...

You! Blog more! Do the one photo a day for the whole year thing, you would rock that!