Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mug Cosies for a Great Friend

Ah...finally I can post these!! I finally gave these to my friend Sarah for her birthday. A set of 4 knit mug cosies. Aren't they so adorable?
I spent a long time searching for just-the-right pattern online...and found nothing to my liking. I ended up purchasing a pattern which made absolutely no sense, so I decided once again to create my own little pattern for this project! I choose to make the entire set out of the "Rasperberry stitch". I had a lot people ask me if this stitch is difficult to make, and it is absolutely not, if anyone would like to know how to make it, let me know and I will email you the instructions. But even easier would be just to search the stitch type on youtube and watch a friendly lady show you how to knit it!

I completed them by sewing a ribbon on each side, so that they could be adjusted to any mug type. I also added some anti-slip "grippy" like things on the back of each one to stop them from sliding around so much. That was my own idea. So proud.

Now my friend Sarah can continue her love story with coffee, all the while keeping her hands nice and safe. Also, they are so environmentally friendly! Next step would be to make a little travel pouch for them!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Showcasing some of my friend's art

-Have my own name written on a cookie "check"

What more can I ask for? Here is a beautiful cookie made for me by my friend Julie.

I heard "Merci Jamie" cookies are currently all the rage at Hogwarts.

It's now really difficult to concentrate while writing this post because I'm currently watching my face being distorted in all sorts of horrifying ways as my brother is creating a Mii out of my face on his new 3D DS.

I never realized I had such a manly chin.

Aaaaaaand back to the original purpose of my post. The second picture here shows a wonderful book I received for my Birthday from my multi talented friend Sarah.

It was beautifully handmade by the one and only Ms. Tevyaw. How can I ask for a better gift than this? She created most of the paper herself, as well as designed the cover and sewed the entire thing together. Hard work I know. I've sewed a book before. Not easy work.

Ok I think I can't concentrate on this nice dedication post I was planning out. I'm now being subjected to several different versions of my voice, having been recorded while I was unawares, being re-mixed into awful high-pitched , crazy sounds.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Pictureless Post...

Do I do this? Do I make pictureless posts?

Aha, I guess that I do participate now in this madness!
Very exciting knitting projects coming soon to a Kookaberries blog near you!

I'm so excited to share. Really. I just can't post them yet.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Meet Matheson

Yesterday marked the important creation date of Mr. Matheson (see picture to the left). He was very adamant that he should be photographed in front of this map, because this little dude is going places and he's super excited about it!

I had to convince him not to pack too much stuff so he would have more room to bring souvenirs on his way back home...

At the last minute he panicked and loudly proclaimed that there was no way he was going anywhere without bringing at least 10 pairs of socks and a few of his favorite books. (I saw him sneak them into his pocket while he thought I wasn't looking).

I had to endure hours of Matheson blabbering on about how he hopes he'll get a window seat, and how he hopes the plane food will be decent enough to eat.

Before leaving, I caught some sweet moments between him Horace:

I'm pretty sure Horace is just having a hard time saying good bye.