Sunday, February 27, 2011

A very special send off

Et Voila!

Here is a pic of last night's star, Alex's suitcase cake! (*note, unfortunately not made by me, but by a super duper cake making artist!).

This awesome cake idea came from Alex's momma and sista :)

The flags and airport codes represent all the places she has travelled and the suitcase tag represents her next stop....

I want to eat that cake all over again.!!!

And also, here is a pic of the gift I got Alex, (I had to photograph and play with it a little bit right? I was so excited to be holding this!!!):

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Horus the Hexapus!!!

Meet Horus, the Hexapus!

Stress does a strange thing to me...does anyone else feel the undeniable urge to knit whimsical, hexapus' when they're feeling specially stressed?

Here are a few quick shots taken of Horus lounging around the apartment this afternoon:

He seems to be having such a
good time right? I am incredibly jealous right now.
I should have mixed him a tiny pina colada.

Off to finish some last minute homework I go!