Monday, January 24, 2011

I named him Smaug, because I am reading The Hobbit right now...

Here's my finished knitted Monster stuffy! (Named Smaug a/p post title). He took me exactly a whole day....only minor knitting pauses involved...I was following a pattern I purchased but made a few personal adjustments as 1) I didn't have enough wool to make him completely striped and 2) making things two colors takes so much longer (it was my first time and I am not happy that some parts were not perfectly aligned...!!!) I wish his head would of turned out a little less square and a little more round as in the pattern I was following...but I still adore him. Once something already has a mouth and eyes ...its too late it already has a personality and I gotta' love him just the way he is! For now, I leave him on my desk at work, where he guards my pens and other such weapons/work tools for me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas Hats

Here are the hats I made as gifts for Christmas...I used a simple pattern, but it was perfect for having to knit approx. 20 hats...(Complete with home-made recycled gift wrapping paper underneath).

The pair of mittens seen is yes, my first pair. And those I kept for myself :) They are so soft as they are made of baby alpaca wool. baby heave.

Monday, January 10, 2011

In keeping with my new years resolution (which I just decided on now Jan 10th), I decided to post today the felted slippers I made for my lovely friend Sarah for Christmas. Unfortunately, they turned out a little big, but as they are slippers I think it was forgiven of them. Hopefully my next pair will be nicer and will not take 6 loads of laundry to felt...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Meet Charlie-Tokumi and Billy the knitted bunnies! After many hours and days of slaving away by knitting many hats for Christmas, I was finally able to work on a little guilty pleasure project which made an awesome use of all my left-over wool.

I got the pattern from this great site:

I made the bunnies "my-own" by giving them fashionable 100% alpaca wool knit scarves.

There are many other awesome projects on the above mentioned website I would love to try out! (If only I had more time, less work, more money and less school eh!)

I especially love the sewed plushie-monsters. If only I could sew! (Well I can, but it usually looks like a bear did it....)

I gave these lovely bunnies away as gifts and they were greatly loved and appreciated. I could make a million of these!